Week 1- Goal Setting
Welcome back Summer Lovin’ Health Challengers!
We’re going to get this 12-week challenge started by putting our best foot forward with goal setting. Goal setting is really a method of behavior tracking to help you see where you’ve been, where you are, and where you want to go.

If you’re like me, you aren’t much of a New Year’s Resolution kind of person. I figure, if I want to get something done, I’ll get it done. However, this means I am a “check-list” kind of person! So, whether you are motivated by goals and having something to reach for, or you love crossing to-do’s off your list, it’s time to put that pen to paper and create your healthy living plan for the 4th Annual Summer Lovin’ Health Challenge!
To borrow from my favorite poet, Dr. Suess:
“… Be your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray Or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O'Shea, You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So...get on your way!”
Challenge: Set a 1-week goal, a 1-month goal, a 2-month goal, and a 3-month goal.
Write it down on the back of your point tracker and bring it with you to your next check-in. Additionally, share your goals with a friend, a spouse, a child, a parent, or with the world via your favorite social media platform. Pick a supportive person or group to share your goals with so they can help keep you accountable.
If you are a private person, try writing a letter to your future-self at https://www.futureme.org/. You can write a letter for each goal, and the website will send you your letter from the past on the day you specify.

Here are some topics and examples to get you started. These will be our weekly topics throughout the challenge:
The Wellness Wheel- total wellness
Add 3 (fruits/veggies/whole grains), Reduce 2 (sugar/fat)
MyFitnessPal- meal tracking
Meal Planning
Myth Busting- diets that flop
It Starts with You
Slow and Steady
Food and Mood
Put the Phone Down

Lifestyle goal example-
1-wk goal- Get up every 60-min and move for 1-min, 5 days this week. Set reminders.
1-month goal- walk for 30 total min 3 days a week.
2-month goal-walk 90 total min per week, strength train 2 days per week
3-month goal- Cardio 120 total per week, strength train 3 days per week
While this isn't a weight loss challenge, some of you may have goals to lose weight. Remember that weight loss is the result of actions. In the example below, reducing added sugars in the diet and replacing them with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains (if calorie needs haven't been met yet) is an action that could result in weight loss. Also, it's important to know that a healthy, sustainable goal for weight loss for women is 0.5-1 lb per week and 1-2 lb per week for men.
Weight loss goal example-
1-wk goal- cut sugar-sweetened beverage intake to one drink per day, replace with water.
1-month goal- lose 4 lbs
2-month goal- eliminate sugar-sweetened beverages from diet. Consume sparingly.
3-month goal- lose 12 lbs.
Feel free to create smaller, weekly goals in-between your larger goals. Just make sure your goals are attainable and something YOU want to do. If you aren’t realistic or invested, you’re goals are going to stay goals rather than accomplishments.

Think about something you do that’s no so healthy. Are you ready to change this behavior? If yes, maybe make a goal around that. If no, examine yourself and your habits some more until you find something worthy of change that you are willing to make. Your timeline of goals don’t even have to be related. You could eat out less one week, walk more the next week, or spend less time on social media next.
Question: What is something you have had to work hard for? How long did it take to get what you wanted?
The ball is totally in your court, but try not to be the only one on your team. We’re more successful when we work together, or at least have others to lean on.
We’re happy you have made a commitment to make the healthy choice the easy choice by joining the 4th Annual Summer Lovin’ Health Challenge, and we wish you the best of luck. Call or email anytime, or keep up with us on our group SLHC Facebook page!
Lindsey- 417-682-3579 Debbie- 417-682-3363
stevensonlk@missouri.edu dsheat@bchdhealth.com

Here are some general exercises to do at home as you start your healthy living journey. Some of these already have modifications so look over the whole list and read about/watch the exercises. Don't try to do too much at once, and don't do something you doctor has told you not to. Do warm-up, cool down, and ask for help if you need it.