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Metabolism, Macronutrients, and Calories, OH MY!

This week's question is in two parts. I want you to answer question 1 before you read any part of the blog. Answer question 2 after you have read the blog and completed the challenge.

Question 1: Please share with us what you have grown up learning about metabolism, macronutrients, and calories.

There is a plethora of nutrition and health information available everywhere we turn. Your sister, neighbor, coworker, and best friend all have an opinion or story about the latest diet they heard of or tried. Our bodies are very complex. Understanding how our bodies use the energy we feed it can be hard to wrap your head around.

This week, I'm sending you to someone else's blog post because she has explained "Everything you need to know about metabolism" much better than I ever could.

Your challenge for week 4: Read the blog post about Understanding Metabolism and look over the PowerPoint slide about macronutrients in the diet. Lastly, take what you have learned and individualize it. Calculate your personal Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) HERE.

Since this topic can be so hard to grasp, we will continue our discussion of metabolism, macronutrients, and calories next week.

Question 2: What is one thing you learned about metabolism, macronutrients, or calories that you didn't know before, and how are you going to apply this new knowledge to your healthy living journey?

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