Week 12- Simplify
CONGRATULATIONS!!! You made it to week 12! It’s not easy to stick with something for 12 weeks, so you should all feel very proud of yourselves!
To wrap up this whole challenge I’m going to encourage you to do something that is simple in theory but may be very difficult in reality—Simplify your lives!
Do you feel mentally, physically, or emotionally drained? Many of us over-commit ourselves, often unselfishly. But, being a “YES” man or woman all the time can take its toll. Last week we talked about taking time for yourself, and being present and mindful. That concept goes hand-in-hand with this week’s topic. I know these aren't related to nutrition or physical activity, but I believe this week's topic is related to our mental and emotional health, which we know can affect our physical health.
Beyond our commitments and busy schedules, there are things we allow to creep into our lives that drain us without us consciously saying “YES.” This could be and most often is Facebook or any form of social media, and other forms of communication like e-mails or texts. Staying in touch is great, but most of us need to re-evaluate our relationships with our phones.
Ask yourself: When was the last time that you did absolutely nothing? No distractions whatsoever. You might be amazed at how creative your brain can be when it’s not stimulated by this, that, and the other.
We live in a consumer society. We are constantly taking something in—news, information, food, entertainment. Yet decluttering shows like Tidying Up with Maria Kondo are widely popular, the Tiny House Movement is all the rage, and you can find documentaries on “Minimalism.” Why? I can’t say for sure, but we know money isn’t the answer to happiness. It’s being content with what you have, not wanting more or being jealous of other’s.
So take a tip from Marie Kondo and try decluttering your house/office. I love regularly going through my house and getting rid of things I don’t need or no longer use. If I have a decluttered house/office, my mind feels decluttered. Or maybe you need to declutter your schedule or your to-do list. Not everything that can be done, needs to be done.
Maybe your guilty pleasure lies within those social media notifications. Consider changing the settings so you don’t get a notification every time you get a like or a comment. Live a life of simplicity. Interact with the world around you, not the world within your phone. Learn about someone’s big news through a face-to-face or telephone conversation, not a status update.
I may be on my soapbox here, but I really think you’ll be surprised at the improvement in your mental health if you find ways to simplify your life. For me, I like to leave my phone inside and be outside taking in all the sights, smells, and sounds. Find your “simple.”
Question: What is one thing that is taking up your time and filling up your mind that you can cut from your life?
Challenge: Set a timer for your social media. Only allow yourself 10 minutes (not counting work responsibilities), 5 days this week. Write down if you struggled to keep it to just 10 minutes.